Essential Steps to Become a Successful Entrepreneur

Stephen Odzer
3 min readApr 5, 2021

Stephen Odzer went to Yeshiva of Flatbush High School and then to the Brooklyn College Scholars Program. Stephen Odzer started his first company at the age of 18 out of his parent’s basement.

Some Essential Steps for becoming a Successful Entrepreneur:-

1. Believe in yourself: — Fear is a powerful motivator. Be motivated and dared by all of the people who tell you it can’t be done.

2. Be a sponge: — Read everything you can get your hands on. Attend as many professional development sessions that time and money afford.

3. Don’t try to be all to everybody: — Focus on what you’re good at and what you love to do. That’s what you’ll excel at and that’s how you will provide the most value to your clients and customers.

4. Even the big guys are always looking for the next client: — There is no such thing as coasting. Perturbing about keeping clients forces you to bring new ones in the door. Your worst enemy is not the competition.

5. Always struggle to re-invent yourself and your product:- Look for new ways to spread information, offer services and change the way you do things so you remain fresh, informed, and can provide new services for your clients.

Stephen Odzer was named the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year in 2000 in the area of distribution. Stephen Odzer has been in the distribution business for over 30 years.

6. Integrity is King. Never compromise your values and politics: — There is no such thing as an easy road to success or making an easy buck. No one gets discovered. But, they do earn success.

7. Leave your self-worth at home: — I come from an ego-driven business and I have an ego. That’s not bad as it has served me well in television and business. HOWEVER, the priority is the client. They don’t care about how great you are. They care about what you can do for them to fix their problems and make them better.

8. Know When to Let Go: — Not every client is worth keeping. Some will drain time, energy, and money away from you, your family, and your business. So, learn to say no because compromising what’s important to you can make you unhappy and cause you to compromise your values.

9. Do what you say: — So many people are so worried about pitching and competing for the business that they lose sight of what they told the client in those initial meetings. Remember what you said you would do and do it!

10. Have fun:- Love what you do and love to get out of bed in the morning. If not, you’re in the wrong business.

He will also look for ways to partner with the Yankees, Golden Knights, and other sports teams to help raise money that will be provided to those with limited resources. This will help him to combine two of his greatest passions, which are watching and participating in sports while also giving back to the surrounding community.

